(Be prepared for frontal male nudity.) I’m Stark Naked: Deal With It is a photo essay created by a man who refuses to be ashamed of his body. Noah Brand asked his partner to photograph him in natural poses, as she sees him.
Some folks will say I’m not fat enough to be doing this. Others will say I’m too fat to be doing this. Both groups can feel free to go piss up a rope. I’m not doing this for them, I’m doing it for me. And maybe for you.Noah encourages other people to do this, and I agree. Through being photographed and creating self portraits of myself, I have learned to see my body in new ways. The photograph is not me; it allows for distance between my self-worth and the image that has helped me to perceive myself without as much judgment.
I don’t know how to fix the broken ways our culture talks about bodies. I don’t know how to make people love themselves. I don’t even know how to mend the disconnect between my sense of self and my physical shape. What I do know is how to confront fear and shame and self-hatred, at least for myself, and how you do that is head-on.I feel inspired to do another self portrait very soon.
. . . How about you?
The Adipositivity Project aims to promote size acceptance, not by listing the merits of big people, or detailing examples of excellence (these things are easily seen all around us), but rather, through a visual display of fat physicality. The sort that's normally unseen.
The hope is to widen definitions of physical beauty. Literally.Now go to your chosen celebrations drenched in body-positivity, whatever you're size! Enjoy your body with confidence and self-love! Smile at the beautiful bodies dancing next to you! Drop it like it's hot, because it is!!